This blog will periodically offer you short episodes of Dina Bélanger’s life. If you want to liven up your life, don’t fail to read them… or write your comments.

The REPUTATION OF THE SANCTITY of Dina Bélanger became universal after her beatification.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

TESTIMONIES: Her parents

We have followed Dina through the different stages of her life: family, childhood, schooling, youth, piano and harmony studies, New York, celebrations, concerts, religious life, apostolate, illness … An ordinary life, like that of many people but lived extraordinarily in but one key: God
The many gifts that she received from Him were unnoticed by those who lived with her, but are  reflected in the ‘stave’ of her daily life, which she lived with exquisite fidelity to the graces that God offered her and to which she was constantly attentive, not wishing to miss one note of the symphony .
The score of her life would not be complete if we did not hear some testimonies of those around her: let us begin with her parents.

Her mother says: 
        She worked on her character.

Dina did not like to be contradicted or corrected, she had a strong personality. In her early years she had small crises when she did not get her own way. Once when I asked for something she replied, very crossly “No”.  Her father tried to teach her a lesson by stamping his feet along with her … Dina understood and never did it again.  She was determined to control her strong temperament!

She accepted peacefully the events that life brings.

When the family underwent a financial difficulty, it was Dina who consoled her mother. Her mother had enjoyed singing but ceased to do so. Dina noticed this and said to her: “God knows what He is doing. Perhaps you would be proud of your house or your clothes. Perhaps God wants it like this”. On other occasions, to cheer me up she would say: “wait until tomorrow, it will change”.
When her mother had the accident which prevented her from going to New York Dina said simply, in spite of the sacrifice that this implied, “ If I cannot leave  home, I will stay”.

Her parents tell us: 

        She maintained her life of prayer

Dina went to bed late and, in the morning, feeling tired, was slow to get up, but never missed going to Mass at 7 am. She hastened to do her school homework in order to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the afternoon. Her parents tell us that after communion, they saw that she was completely absorbed in adoration and that when she prayed with them she was very attentive. Her father said: she was very discreet concerning the graces she received.

Daily fidelity

Dina was very energetic and tenacious in what she undertook and, above all, persevering if it was a just cause. She had a good family spirit, was very sensitive and tidy. Her life was tranquil. She spent three or four hours each day practicing her music. She was grateful for everything and felt that too much was being done for her.
As a child she loved nature and admired the wonders of God, above all the flowers, birds and the beauty of clouds, trees, the sky, moonlight: everything served to praise God.
Dina was very generous and shared her belongings with others. She was always truthful and expressed her thoughts with candour. Her parents add that they never had to reproach her for telling a lie.
She was respectful and on hearing criticism would say "We do not know what the intention was".

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